I had to take 11 days to recuperate after my last post. Whew! I was like a vampire on a deserted island- No blood-filled humans to suck dry! But, as time has passed, I've calmed down and have had some moments to myself to breathe.
I'm sorry for being so ape-shit cray cray on the 1st day of the year, but good God! I was an emotional wreck, lemme tell you! All things are better, my lil concentration camp victims hair is growing back nicely; I no longer want to castrate Karl and there's been no more arguments over commercials of any kind!
Ben's been signed up for little league (3rd year now) and started his winter/spring session of Cub Scouts last week.
On his meeting Wednesday, they handed all the scouts a small box w/a block of wood, 4 nails and 4 small plastic tires....yippee!! Pinewood Derby time! (Can you just sense my enthusiasm)? Now Karl and I have to figure out a way to have Ben's block of wood be faster than all the other kid's parents make their blocks of wood.
Yep, I'm THAT mom, you know, the 1 who's kid has the nicest, most artist reports and projects? The 1 who in a weird sense is trying to make up for my craziness around the house w/stunning projects. Well, carving wood is not in my arsenal of "project weapons". I'm clueless! Karl's acting as if he knows what's up, but he doesn't have a fucking clue either! I have visions of a Special Olimpics Pinewood Derby car....tires all fucked, paint chipping, wood all snagged and splintered. It should be a real fun time!
I recently told myself (and the world wide web) that I would start exercising 5 days a week again and low and behold, I am actually sticking to it! I'm pretty damn proud of myself for that because I also said I wasn't going to smoke either - I quit in September and did soooo good, until Christmas fucking day, I've been buying packs ever since. So, this week, I'm giving it up again. I have to. I felt soooo much better when I wasn't choking down a Misty menthol 120. Plus, my asthma is acting up and I KNOW that's the reason why.
On the business end of things, Karl's been hard at work looking for work and filed for unemployment (I KNOW he'll get it). I've been looking into ads and sponsors for the blog (if you want to advertise, email me). Things are looking up. I can't expect miracles to happen overnight, but we were dealt a horrible hand days before Christmas. I expect him to be back out there working in no time at all. We will be able to manage as long as we quit buying Ben everything he sees!
I've also been doing a lot of cooking (pics on Instagram of my delicious meals) and I'm putting together a Tasty Tuesday edition of recent recipes for y'all (prob next Tues).
In closing, I hope everyone's first two weeks were great and hope your all sticking to your resolutions! Here's some pics you may have missed on Twitter and Instagram of the fam and I.Until next time....
Peace, Love & Light,
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